Garmin Health

Credentials Request – China Garmin Connect Developer Program

Please complete this form with Latin characters.

Do you plan to sell the data provided by Garmin to any third parties?*
您是计划以汇总和匿名的方式使用 Garmin 提供的活动数据吗?还是计划将活动数据与可辨别身份的用户关联?*
您是否具备代表我公司签订协议的权利、权力和权限?* 请说明您是否能够订立此协议。
您是否接受本协议的条款?* 请指明您是否接受条款

Please note that Garmin may contact you for more detailed information to meet compliance requirements stipulated in Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Thank you for your interest, we'll be reaching out to you soon.
